Join the toughest writing contest on the internet. Write stories across multiple rounds with unique prompts, judge your peers, and compete for top prizes!
Learn MoreParticipate in our Twisted Tournament and experience the thrill of writing and peer review.
You'll be placed in one of two groups that do not compete with each other. Each round, your group will receive unique prompts such as themes, tropes, and more specific prompts. You have a set period to write and submit your story for each round.
After all writing phases are complete, participants judge a set of stories from the opposite group by ranking them. Providing feedback is totally optional. After that, there's a week to share on the forums before the results are released.
Top writers in each group win prizes and recognition each round! Then your cumulative score is used to determine the two overall winners.
Here's a schedule example for our Twisted Tournament. For specifics, see the tournament you are signing up to.
Receive your prompts and write your story within the given time frame for each round.
After all writing is complete, you have 8 days to rank between 5-7 stories in each of the three rounds. Feedback is not required, just drag and drop to order them by preference. Choose from 9 awards to give stories. If a writer fails to judge, their stories will be given to the admin and the writer will be DQd from that round.
Share your stories on the forum and engage with other participants. During this period, scoring and feedback will be reviewed by admins.
Results are revealed one round at a time, leading up to the final day where the overall winners are announced.
Here's how the scoring and feedback system works:
Early entry (30 days before contest) has a $14 entry fee per participant, then it goes up to $18
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